Sonic Signatures

Design sonic landscapes that

create synergies and connections

Sound Design

We help the world's leading companies create sonic landscapes that create synergies and connections with clients and customers. Whether it is a podcast, video, social engagement program or commercial, musical consistency creates an intimate bond with the audience.

When integrated with all aspects of a communication program from social media, blogs, and multi‐media, brands can create sonic relationships that win new business. Let our team of leading musicians and communications professionals show you how.

Audio Interfaces

Smart speakers, devices and corresponding apps touch peoples lives everyday. We create sonic textures and soundscapes for speakers, appliances, software and apps. We create an organic and bonding user experience. The sonic experience users have with products increases brand loyalty and product engagement. Let our team of sound design engineers show you how.


We aspire to create the sonic signatures that change the way people live their lives and use the devices around them. Music creates an organic, holistic and immersive experience. When well executed, these sounds define a product or solution in a way that creates a fulfilling relationship with the user.

We aim to change the world one note at a time.

Contact us today.